sabato 31 dicembre 2011

The Best Of 2011

The year is now at an end and it's time to take stock of the present and the future of gaming Industry. These past months have seen the return of old icons belonging to the PlayStation brand and at same time the birth of high potential new IP. One of the surprises of the year was undoubtedly the unique El Shaddai Ascension of the Metatron (including detailed review  on these pages) who, with his classic action-adventure gameplay with an intriguing storyline and has managed to charm critics and public with a unique visual style and overall artistic direction of a writer like we have not seen since the days of never too praised Okami (released years ago on the legendary PlayStation 2). Another big surprise was the excellent Deus Ex: Human Revolution Roleplay made  Square Enix (of which you can find the review on these pages), as well as the historical prequel to the first Deus Ex came out in the now distant 2001, despite the heavy legacy Eidos Montreal on the shoulders of the talented team succeeded in titanic company match for its illustrious predecessors. The nature of hybrid between stealth-action-RPGs, and an intriguing storyline and well told have allowed this interactive multimedia work to breach the collective imagination of many, thanks to an art direction inspired and never dull and at clear references to the Cyber-punk universe. Then it was the turn of Bethesda, which has swept the gaming scene with the never too praised The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim that we remind you of these pages has been awarded the Oscar for game of the year. However, even this 2012 starts in the best way possible with the return of a legendary saga that has recently seen rapid change towards a less classical nature, and finally more contemporary. I am of course speaking of Final Fantasy XIII-2, which promises to improve in every aspect of the previous chapter, one of the innovations that surely will please all those who had made the thirteenth turn up their noses, is the return of the city and explored a number of mini- seems very own short games that Square has made amends for his mistakes. Soon you will find a preview of this awaited chapter on these pages. Another big name to appear on the market will be the sci-fi saga of Mass Effect with a third installment that promises nothing short of explosive,prepare  your spacesuit,  Shepard is Back. Expected by many other title is certainly the particular Dragon's Dogma of which we would give you new information soon, but from what we have seen the title Capcom promises to be a big exponent of the genre of role-playing games, but the output is still far ( May 1, 2012) and is soon to more detailed considerations.

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